• 227 Yale Avenue, Kensington, CA 94708 USA
  • Feel free to talk to us! 707-534-1583
team group photo

BAMM was founded with a glocal focus: identifying and providing opportunities to serve locally as well as internationally in ways that glorify Christ and honor the humanity of those we serve.

This typically takes the form of teams engaging for several days to weeks with a partner organization locally or overseas. Teams will spend time together prior to a project preparing and team-building. During each effort, BAMM leaders facilitate time for sharing, discussion, and reflection on each day’s experience. Each project ends with a devoted time of debriefing, processing, and incorporating all that has been experienced and learned.

BAMMers universally find they have gained much more than what they feel they have given.

Click below to check out upcoming local and international opportunities as well as more information on what BAMM teams look like.