• 227 Yale Avenue, Kensington, CA 94708 USA
  • Feel free to talk to us! 707-534-1583
Do I need to be a Christian to be involved with BAMM teams?
No. We welcome individuals wherever they are on their spiritual journeys. BAMM teams are unique in their Christ-centered focus – there will be prayer, times of worship, devotions and time for reflection – it is important to be aware of this team culture and be willing to participate in these activities which we know give clarity, strength and renewal.
What if I’m not medical?
That’s perfectly fine – BAMM teams need members with a wide variety of gifts and talents. Have no fear – you will be busy and an integral part of any team you’re involved with.
How are teams financially supported?
BAMM team-members raise support from their communities and trip costs are published early in the planning for any BAMM activities. Team fees go towards lodging, meals, medications, team supplies, equipment, travel, licensing as needed and team activities once underway. There is ample support and tips on how to raise funds (always an awkward activity for most of us). There may be funds available for limited scholarships with some teams.
Can I bring my kids on a BAMM team?
We have had children on BAMM teams in the past and most teams can accommodate a limited number of kids. Our experience has been very positive.
How do I become a BAMMer?
Fill out an online form (through the ‘Contact Us’ portal) which will put you on the roster of folks who can be contacted with BAMM opportunities and updates. There is no membership fee or application – the more BAMMers in this world, the better!